Thursday, October 31, 2019

Evolution of colouration in bird eggs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Evolution of colouration in bird eggs - Essay Example One key fact states that the more diversified a population becomes, the more likely it is to survive as a species. This increases its ability to occupy more territory and gain access to more sustenance, or to spread itself out and become more inconspicuous among predators. Several species of birds demonstrate this type of variation at the embryonic stage. The eggs they lay are coloured or spotted in particular ways, the complete reasons for which have been somewhat elusive to researchers for some time. In fact, birds are the only species that produce pigmented egg shells (Gosler, et al. 2005, p. 1105), and this leads scientists to believe that the pigmentation serves a discoverable purpose. Such reasons as crypsis and the prevention of parasites have been hypothesised. Other hypotheses have been based on sexual selection or on the chemical structure of the eggshell and its influence on eggshell fragility and vulnerability. Hybridization has also been suggested as a factor that influe nces egg colour. These hypotheses, though varied, have important implications on the evolution of the bird shells and can give insight into the reasons for the various pigmentations that birds' eggs carry. Safety is a very important issue for birds when it is noted that their eggs are prone to different forms of predation and parasitism. Two types of brood parasitism exist. Conspecific brood parasitism occurs when birds of similar species place their foreign eggs into the nest of a host. Interspecific brood parasitism occurs when birds of other species infiltrate the nest and place their own eggs in the clutch. This can be very dangerous to the existence of a particular avian species, since the some parasites are known to be vicious and ruthless. The most notorious of these parasites are cuckoos, and their parasitism is dangerous as they often hatch before the genuine brood and expel authentic eggs from the nest, terminating that attempt of the species to reproduce. This is truer of some species than of other, depending on the type of predation suffered by each. The great tit (Parus major), for example, does not expel parasites from its nest, and this appears to be contingent on the fact that it is not a host to the European cuckoo parasite (Gosler, Higham and Reynolds, 2005. p. 1105-6). Village weavers, on the other hand, do remove foreign eggs from their nests, and have therefore to learn the appearance of their eggs (Collias, 1993, p. 684). The implication of this fact is that the weaver eggs must have progressively developed a distinctive appearance in order to facilitate recognition. It has been observed that West African village weavers' spotted eggs have noticeable intraspecific differences, and hypotheses have been formed concerning the reasons for this. The first spots on eggs might have been achieve by one incidence of genetic mutation in the species, but this kind of spotting in weavers is now commonplace. Relying on the reasoning of the previous paragraph, it was predicted that within the weavers' clutches the diversity of colouration would be minimised in the absence of interspecific parasites and maximised in their presence. Researcher David Lahti found opportunity for an experiment involving these West African weavers in the fact that the species had

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Spirituality and Leadership Essay Example for Free

Spirituality and Leadership Essay Leaders and organizations are uncomfortable talking about spirituality or any subject that can be interpreted as religious. There could be several reasons why, the separation of church and state, the organizations non-discriminatory policies, or the need to conform and not be seen as weird. Therefore, we find in the literature and in mainstream words such as: Synchronicity, Zen, Spirit at work, inner work, vision, intuition, enlightened leadership, 6th sense, meditation, visualization, awareness, mystic, and many more. All of these words are synonymous with spirituality. Leaders practice spirituality†¦ as long as they just dont call it spirituality. A more appropriate term could be Holistic Leadership. The purpose of this paper is to look at elements of spirituality and leadership and their relationship to each other. Spirituality, Religion, and Leadership Spirituality and leadership are two concepts that have broad meanings and interpretations. According to Conger spirituality like leadership are two very hard concepts to describe (1994, 27). So an exploration of these two words individually or in combination could be an exercise in frustration, especially for those who seek absolute answers. (Conger 1994, 63) There are many descriptions for leadership, spirituality, and religion. For the purpose of this paper I chose the ones that I felt were the most appropriate to the topic. Spirituality So how does the literature define Spirituality? Janet Dalton Honek in her article Spirituality in My Workplace?! Not that God talk! states that Spirituality in the Workplace is an emerging field of management. It encourages you to bring your whole being into your work. It offers you the place and opportunity to use your gifts and talents to their full potential in fulfilling your job responsibilities. It encompasses a variety of elements that can be expressed in a multitude of ways. For many people, it is a sense of personal satisfaction. Kathy Szaj, a writer living in New York City, in her article Sounds like Spirit defined Spirituality as: Spirituality is†¦wonderbuilt frame of reverence. Spirituality is the habit of heading for the innerness of people, places and things, and after visiting, leaving some small token of gratitude there. Spirituality is the vision that remembers that several billion earth creatures originate from and unite at one center; the practice of purposefully acting as if all thinking/feeling/being matters. And so it does†¦in-deed. Spirituality is consciously tending to all of the above so often that it becomes as natural and necessary as breathing. In a description of the book Capturing the Heart of Leadership. Spirituality and Community in the New American Workplace. by the Greenwood Publishing Group; Spiritual leadership is described as a dynamic, interactive process that is dependent on a recognition that leadership is a rela tionship. Leaders are leaders only as far as they develop relationships with their followers, relationships that help all concerned to achieve their spiritual, as well as economic and social, fulfillment. John-Brian Paprock in his article The Spiritual Part. Employment and Spirituality states: Spirituality does not really take time, rather it is being who one is. If a person has engaged a spiritual life, then it is personal integrity that brings spirituality wherever the person is. Whether through prayer or a prayerful consciousness or through meditation or a meditative consciousness or through cultural practices, work stations and offices can become personal sacred space. Obstacles and problems become opportunities of spirit. All of life becomes an integrated adventure. Spirituality becomes the whole of life, not an extra-curricular hobby reserved for the weekend. (1997, 2). John Buck in his article Leadership and spirituality connected states that the soul of leadership is spirituality, that spirituality grounds leadership, that it is impossible to separate leadership from the spiritual essence of a leader. It is spirituality that provides substance and solidarity to a person, not leadership. It grounds the leadership style and practice of a leader. (2000,2) In a recent study on spirituality, Wade Clark Roof, a religion professor at the University of California, found an interpretation of spirituality among middle-aged Americans: In its truest sense, spirituality gives expression to the being that is in us; it has to do with feelings, with the power that comes from within, with knowing our deepest selves and what is sacred to us, with, as Matthew Fox says, heart-knowledge.' (Conger, 1994,9). Religion The Encarta World English Dictionary has the following definitions of religion: 1. Peoples beliefs and opinions concerning the existence, nature, and worship of a deity or deities, and divine involvement in the universe and human life. 2. A particular institutionalized or personal system of beliefs and practices relating to the divine. 3. A set of strongly held beliefs, values, and attitudes that somebody lives by. Religion is not the same as spirituality. But when we discuss spiritual values, highly charged issues arise. Because of religious freedom and the freedom to practice and chose your own religion and beliefs, this area has been considered sacred ground. People are afraid that if the subject of religion or spirituality is approached, someone is going to influence a persons private and individual beliefs. Rutte is more direct by saying that some individuals would try to shove a particular point of view down their throats, and this approach will take away the individuals freedom to choose and the opportunity to search for his/her own truth. (Rutte, 1991, 3). Some of the issues why we do not discuss religion in the workplace include the fear of people being dogmatic and the conflicts that could arise, taboos, the separation of church and state, freedom of religion, separation of private and business life, and unreflected notions of the Divine. (Rutte,1991,1) Leadership Leadership is a process of working with people to get things done. Joseph Jaworski in his book Synchronicity. The Inner Path of Leadership states that leadership is about learning how to shape the future. Leadership is about creating a domain in which human beings continually deepen their understanding of reality and become more capable of participating in the unfolding of the world. Ultimately, leadership is about creating new realities. (1998, 3) Roger Fulton in his book Common Sense Leadership defines leadership as: †¦the art of influencing and directing people in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and cooperation. Leadership is not a mysterious phenomenon. It is a combination of skills and observable behaviors that can be learned. (Fulton, 1995, viii). Todays Leaders The Baby Boomers We, the so-called Sixties generation, the baby boomers, now the leaders, CEOs, managers, and parents, are leading the quest for the understanding of life issues. We have more and deeper questions about life. We are once again interested in the nobler ideals of world peace, economic equality, egalitarian civil rights, human potential, and spiritual enlightenment. (Green, 2000) All we have to do is to take a look at some of the best sellers books in the market. Small inspirational books such as: The One Minute Manager, The Greatest Salesman in the World, The Chicken Soup collection, Who Moved My Cheese, Fish, The Corporate Mystic, books on stress reduction, angels, prayer, visualization, vision quests, Feng Shui, and the long list of books published by Nightingale Conant. Books and materials that are nurturing the self, the soul, the leaders, and the organizations; materials that are giving permission to the executives, leaders, business people, and CEOs to be more open and to admit that spirituality is a part of their leadership style. Think about how many doctors, CEOs, leaders, and ourselves , in a moment of need, have taken a moment to pray, to ask for help from God, the Creator, the Force, the Universe? How many business leaders write their short and long term goals and then meditate and visualize them? How many people are joining study groups, meditation groups, spiritual study groups? There is a group in the Pentagon that meets weekly for meditation and prayer for world peace. Barrett in his articles on Spirituality and the World Bank addressed the creation of The World Bank Spiritual Unfoldment Society (SUS). The mission statement of SUS is: The Spiritual Unfoldment Society promotes personal transformation through self-knowledge, understanding, and awakening higher consciousness. SUS provides a safe forum for the exchange of beliefs and ideas that promote spiritual awareness. SUS seeks to create within the World Bank a consciousness of love and understanding that contributes toward transforming the way we interact with one another (and the way the organization interacts with the world). The SUS instituted monthly meditation sessions, created special interest groups, held two retreats, an international conference, and publishes two newsletters. Barrett states: The real significance of the conference and of the Spiritual Unfoldment Society was that the Bank staff now have permission to talk about spiritual values in development, and to bring their hearts and souls to work. (1998, 2) Spirituality is for some a taboo word, for others a way of life. The driving force of the Spirituality movement is the middle class, educated vanguard of the Baby Boom generation. (Lauerman, 2000, 2). Ancient religious traditions often combined work with spiritual practice and rituals. We are now coming full circle. In her article The Missing Link Anne Colby states that We spend more and more time at work, people have less time to spend outside social groups. Theyre interested in making spirituality practical and applied, rather than just something you do on the weekend. In the same article Colby quotes Judith Neal, and states As idealistic as it sounds, Neal said she sees many signs of renaissance in workplace spirituality. She estimates [Neal] that about 10% of the management consultants working with corporations today have a spiritual focus in the work. And spirituality in the workplace has become an open topic in the personnel trade journals. Elements, characteristics, and tools The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude. Be kind, but not weak. Be bold but not a bully. Be thoughtful, but not lazy. Be humble, but not timid. Be proud, but not arrogant. Have humor, but without folly. Jim Rohn Spirituality is not religion but a way of being. There is not just one definition of spirituality, but several key words appeared several times throughout the literature, words like: synchronicity, miracles, vision, from within, whole being, full potential, relationships, personal integrity, substance, feelings, meaning of life, and way of being. In attempting to explore spirituality in leadership several common areas, elements or characteristics were discussed in the literature. The table on Appendix A highlights those common areas encountered in several books and articles. The elements and characteristics of leadership and spirituality were concepts such as integrity, trust, creativity, communication, relationships, energy, vision, fun, creativity, change, and passion. Each column in the table of appendix A shows the characteristics, elements, or areas covered in each article or book. These are books such as Fish, Who moved my cheese, Jesus CEO, and the Corporate Mystic. The tools to achieve some of the characteristics and elements of spirituality and leadership are objects such as crystals, water fountains, and aromatherapy oils. Leaders are attending workshops that teach meditation, visualization, relaxation techniques, stress reduction techniques, vision quests, inner work, self-awareness and prayer groups. Retreats that are designed to balance body, mind, and spirit. There is a lot of information on energy, feng shui, tai chi, and Qi Gong. Organizations are becoming more aware of the trends in society. Spirituality in the workplace promotes an expression of talent, brilliance and genius. Baby boomers are seeking more meaning in their lives, including the place where they spend a lot of their time, work. The nature and meaning of work is undergoing an evolution. We are yearning for work to be a place in which we can experience and express our spirit. Companies are beginning to recognize employees as whole human beings and are exploring a full range of their needs and desires. Conversations are emerging around spirituality and how to nurture its potential in both the individual and the company. (Rutte, 1996, 1) McLaughlin in his article Seeking Spirituality†¦at work discusses the trends and indicates that the trend extends beyond individuals, that organizations and hundreds of companies are defining or clarifying their organizational values, universal ideas such as respect, honesty, and integrity. (1998, 2) Judy Neal, an associate professor of management at the University of New Haven, Connecticut, publishes a newsletter, Spirit at Work. In less than two years her base subscription grew to more than 1,000 professionals. When I received her bibliography on Spirit at Work it contained a list of 447 citations on Spirituality, a list that gets updated every three months. Ms. Neal fully understands the willingness of professionals to look beyond conventional sources for inspiration, insight, and imaginative ideas. She states: Developing ones own spiritual side offers a source of strength both on the job and off. Helping other employees develop theirs can make the workplace a stronger, safer and much saner, place to do business. (Brandt, 1996, 4) Holistic Leadership Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams: who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung. I see Leadership and Spirituality as interrelated and yet distinct elements of the same issue. I related the issues of Leadership and Spirituality to the symbol of Yin and Yang. According to Chinese beliefs, every single thing that exists in the universe has two aspects, a yin and a yang. Everything has a front and a back, a top and a bottom, a left and a right, a beginning and an end. Night exists only in relation to day and cold exists in relation to heat. When I looked at spirituality in leadership I found a similar pattern. Spirituality is an internal process of looking in, self-awareness, being, and meaning. Leadership is an external process of doing things, actions, and accomplishing goals. Conger described as: †¦ the objective definitions lead us in different directions: spirit evokes images of an intangible and internal world, while leadership focuses on the visible and the external reality. Spirit is a matter of being and becoming, of creation and re-creation, while leadership is doing, acting, performing. The definition of spirit invites contemplation, analysis, and insight, while that of leadership directs our attention to visible results. (1994, 65) I believe that we are all spiritual beings that believe in something, be it God, the Universe, Money, Power, or Atheism. As human beings we are trying to find ways to be happy, respected, and loved. We live in a society that is attempting to balance life, family, work, while attempting to understand the meaning of life, and to find who we are. We find ourselves spending a lot of time at work, in traffic, and wishing we had more time to be with our families and friends. We are also finding that there is more to life and more to who we really are than just a description of the kind of work we do, the car we drive, the house we live in, or the amount of money we make every month. There is a part of us, inside ourselves that matter. It makes us who we are; unique individuals with needs and wants. When we go within, we find the beings that we are, our own Spirit, and our Spirituality. As I discussed with my husband, the fact that for a variety of reasons leaders do not like to identify with the word spirituality, we came up with a more appropriate term: holistic leadership. The Random House Websters dictionary defines holism as: the theory that whole entities have an existence other than as the mere sum of their parts. and holistic as: incorporating or identifying with the principles of holism. I looked at the leader as a whole person, with leadership and spiritual qualities. (See Appendix B). My own drawing resembled the Yin and Yang figure at the beginning of this paper. The circle represents the individual or leader with two distinct, separate, and identifiable parts, the leadership and the spiritual. The leadership moving the energy one way, while the spirituality is moving the energy in the opposite direction, yet both are a part of the same whole individual or circle. Buck expressed well when he wrote: It is impossible to separate leadership from the spiritual essence of a leader. It is spirituality that provides substance and solidarity to a person, not leadership. It grounds the leadership style and practice of a leader. Conclusion Spirituality and Leadership are becoming an important part of our culture and our organizational culture. The great spiritual search is in the mainstream. (Bird, 1994). Rutte states that new approaches in modern management theory such as productivity and quality improvement, human motivation, teamwork, and systems perspectives have markedly enhanced effectiveness. Yet there is another dimension that needs to be taken into consideration, and that is the one that relates management to fundamental matters of the spirit, which lie at the heart of all beings. If one of the trends in the workplace is to include and involve the whole person, not just the work role, then spiritual values can be included. Imagine working in an environment that includes and encourages respect, appreciates peoples discovery and living of their spiritual values, and that allows for a diversity of expression of individual life purposes. Rutte believes that within this spiritual frame the bottom line would be profitable, because productivity would be at once high, deeply satisfying, and responsive to world problems; and personal and corporate leadership would guide inspired by an appreciation of both the temporal as well as the infinite. Management in the survival mode has been based on command and control. The way you get people to produce is by telling them what to do and making sure it gets done. But in a spiritual workplace, productivity is achieved through nurturing the expression of the self and the spirit. Our job, as leaders, is to facilitate the discovery of spirit, to esteem it, to celebrate it, and to hold others accountable for their expression of it. Imagine what would happen if you had a company in which all the people were doing their lifes work. You would have more loyalty, more resilience, more creativity, more innovation, and a deeper sense of self-reliance, self-renewal and self-generation. (1991, 1-2) Todays leaders are using the tools needed to become more spiritual. The tools can help individuals look inward and start on their own path of self-discovery, self-fulfillment, and enlightenment. The research finds a great deal of evidence for the existence of Spirituality in Leadership. However, there is still resistance to calling it Spirituality. Instead, call it Holistic Leadership. Given the opportunity one evening, an average person with average aspirations asked a wise and spiritual person, What is the spiritual part of life. The wise and spiritual person responded in the expected peaceful and soothing voice, I am afraid you are mistaken. There is no spiritual part of life. After a stunned silence, I have paid attention to spiritual people all my life, I have read the sacred scriptures of my faith. How can it be that there is no spiritual part of life? The wise and spiritual person said, with the expected knowing grin, It is all spiritual.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Social Media Impact on Fast Food Chain (KFC)

Social Media Impact on Fast Food Chain (KFC) Uuse Table of Contents (Jump to) 1. Introduction 1.1 Research aim 1.2 Research Questions 1.3 Research objective 2. Literature review 2.1 Social media 2.2 Impact of social media 2.3 Fast food chain 3. Research methodology 3.1 Research design 3.2 Population and Sampling method 3.3 Data collection 3.4 Reliability and validity 3.5 Ethical consideration 3.6 Data analysis 3.7 Research limitation 4. Anticipated findings 1. Introduction This report is targeted on exploring and understanding the impact of social media on fast food chain, focusing on fast food companies of UK. So, we have chosen KFC for case study to carry out the research on this topic, as KFC is well known company in fast food industry not only in UK but worldwide. In today’s world, people are attached with the social media and defy on it while selecting any organization they need to deal to fulfill their needs. So, social media impacts on the buying behavior of customers and on selection of the organization. Social media is used by the companies in order to advertise their products and services. In this report, we first sort out research aims and research questions that start the plan for research. Then in literature review, the concepts on social media along with its impact and the fast food chain are discussed. Further, we choose research method and research design for this report and then we also choose the methods of data collection and data analysis. Finally, in this research proposal we discuss the anticipated findings that we could achieve from this research. KFC is a fast food company now owned by Pepsico and was established in the service station of USA serving chickens. The full form of KFC is Kentucky Fried Chicken, based in Lousville, it is one of the few brands in USA that can boast about having 59 year old history of success and innovation. KFC serves chicken along with varieties of other products like burger, mashed potatoes, and sandwiches also. It has been serving customers foods as prepared at home at very affordable price that could be bought by people of even low income also. It has opened its 15,000 outlets in 105 countries like Malaysia, China, UK and so on. In this report, we carry out our research in the outlets that are situated in different places in the capital city of UK that is London. KFC is famous for serving chicken with unique taste that has been able to win hearts of several people all over the world. It has many employees working through its outlets in several countries speaking different languages and from dif ferent cultures and tradition but are dedicated to the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. The unique taste of fried chicken of KFC as well as different flavors of chicken curry, tom yam chicken, hot and spicy and original recipe etc. has been unique feature of KFC which has made it popular among its customers and a successful company in the fast food industry. 1.1 Research aims This report is concerned on social media and the fast food chain, so the aims of this research are also based around it. This research aims to find following facts on the fast food chain, To understand the social media used by KFC. To find the impact of social media on customers. To find the impact of social media in the company. To find the effectiveness of social media. 1.2 Research Questions This report is determined to find out the answers to following research questions: What is the effect of social media on KFC? What is the social media used by KFC? How is social media being helpful to KFC? What is the impact of social media on customers? 1.3 Research objectives This report is based on the hypothesis on finding the impact of social media on fast food chain. So, it sheds light on the effects of social media on the fast food companies. This research has been carried out with certain objectives which are sorted out in following points: To gain knowledge on the use of social media by KFC. To understand the impact of social media on KFC. To study the impact of social media on customers and employees of KFC. 2. Literature review In literature review section of this report, we gain knowledge on social media, its use in fast food industry and also its impact on the organization. We also discuss about the fast food industry and the fast food chains. In this report the discussion is centered on the role of social media in daily life, its consumption, customer’s perceptions of advantages and disadvantages of social media, the acceptance and impact of social media advertising, the level of engagement of brand through social media and the role of other media in reinforcing social media communication. 2.1 Social media Social media has revolutionized the communicating methods of the individuals, community, organization or the whole world. It can be defined as,† a group of internet based applications that is build on the ideological and technological foundations that allow the creation of exchange of User Generated Content.† It has been convenient way of communicating with the people not only within a certain region but within the globe. It has become an essential part of an organization in order to communicate with its customers, suppliers, investors as well as its employees. Rapid use of social media by the customers has enforced the organization to use those media in order to communicate with their customers as well as to build solid relationship with them that helps in customer retention. So, they are using blogs, wikis, podcast, social networking sites, websites and you tube so as to stay in touch with their customers and to get informed of new offerings on the market. Most of the o rganizations are using social media for marketing and include these media in their marketing strategies and plans. As consumers are turning away from traditional sources of advertising like radio and television, social media has become modern solution for advertising within the mass and wide range of people. Blogs are a kind of social media where people post images, ideas or links. Social networks are places where people with common interest meet and form personal websites. Content communities are websites where particular content can be organized or shared with others. Forums are sites for exchanging ideas or information around particular interests. Some of the most popular social media that people use are facebook, twitter, You Tube, Flickr, and Wikipaedia. Social media sites have been attracting millions of users around the world and some researches also show that most of the people in the world remain in touch with the social media sites daily. Social media is combination of sev eral internet tools that enable users to generate, exchange and modify content continuously. Social media like facebook, twitter, instagram, you tube websites, mobile social media etc have overwhelming number of followers increasing day by day. As the fast food industry in UK has become very competitive along with entry of several players, it has increased the level of competition and challenged the marketing players. So, KFC though is very popular needs to use more advertising sources in order to get a competitive edge and to win over its rivals. Social media has been rapidly used by KFC in order to gain global access and also for reducing its transaction costs. Further, it also facilitates access to potential customers along with customization of products and services and exchange of service and information. It has also become easiest way of taking orders for the food items for the company as well as its customers due to overwhelming use of social media. 2.2 Impact of social media Social media as being used rapidly by the people around the world attracts attention and encourages readers to share it with their social network sites. It acts as a platform for everyone who has easy access of internet. Social media also serves as the best advertising media as it is driven by word of mouth and can be considered as earned media rather than paid media. It also helps in increasing brand awareness through increased communication activities. It can be helpful in marketing campaigns for the recognition of the organization in the newer market as well as existing market. Social media is an online content created by people using highly accessible and scalable publishing technologies. It provides numerous opportunities for strengthening and expanding relationships to customers. Social media impacts the customers for the selection of the organization they want to deal in order to fulfill their requirements as they are closely related to these media nowadays and trust these media the most to get information. For this research, it is important to understand the effect of social media on the potential customers when they are deciding which product or services they want to acquire. Customers use social media to enable them to create and share content, and communicate with one another build relationship with other people. Social media has become major factor in influencing various aspects of customer behavior including needs, recognition, information acquisition, opinions and attitudes, purchase behavior and post purchase communication. Social media develop horizontal relationship ranging from customer service to customer retention and acquisition. Increasing use of social websites perceive as a tool in forming online communities of users. Also companies can obta in various feedbacks and comment regarding their services so that they can improve their service in order to meet the needs and satisfaction of customers. Development of social media has helped in growth and expansion of business of fast food companies like KFC. 2.3 Fast food chain Fast food industry was not been available since ancient times but it has now becoming rapidly growing industry along with busy and scheduled life of people. As its name this industry is famous within its customers in providing quick food service for the rush hour of rapidly moving people. Mostly fast food industry serves quick foods like hamburger, sandwiches and also meat contained product. This industry is one of the most competitive and saturated industry in developed countries like UK or USA. Fast food service has culture has been embraced by several people due to their busy schedule and also easy availability of food when they want. 3. Research methodology 3.1 Research design This research is based on fast food chains and needs to explore the facts on impacts of social media, so it follows positivism theory of research methodology and deductive approach as the process of this research arrives at conclusions based on the interpretation of the meaning of the results of data analysis. This research is of exploratory nature as less previous researches have been found regarding this subject and general nature of the problem along with factors related to it has to be discovered. So, this research is commanded by qualitative methodology as it is of exploratory nature. Through deductive process, this research aims to uncover rich and detailed descriptions with a holistic focus. 3.2 Population and Sampling method In the proposed study, the population to be studied has been first identified and sampling frame was developed. The population for this study comprises all the customers and employees who are related to KFC belonging to different levels of jobs they are employed to. As this research is carried in KFC stores located at London Chinatown and Marylebone in London, UK, the population for this report is the customers and employees who are related to the stores there. Further, non-probability sampling method will be used for this research as it doesn’t involve random selection which is not feasible for this research. This research is of exploratory nature, so convenience sampling method is appropriate where the samples are selected looking into the ease of their accessibility and interest for the study. As the name reveals, convenience sampling is selected because it is convenient and often saves time and effort of the researcher to select a random sample. 3.3 Data collection As per the need of the study, both primary and secondary data will be collected, but priority will be given to collection of primary data, which will be both quantitative as well as qualitative. Primary data will be collected by some of the popular techniques used in this field. Primary data will be collected via field study where the researcher will visit KFC stores in order to collect data. In KFC stores, the researcher will collect the data through questionnaire method by distributing questionnaires to the respondents and then after they finish collecting it. So, questionnaire will be designed in view of data requirements and will be distributed to the respondents in the field. The respondents will be convinced that their responses will be kept confidential and average time taken to fill the questionnaire will also be limited. Secondary data will be collected adopting various secondary means and through the access of some secondary sources available conveniently. It will be collected from previous researches, previous studies, published or unpublished documents, annual reports of KFC, journals on KFC and other related articles that can be useful for this research. Secondary information available will be useful in checking the validity and reliability of empirical field data. The methods adopted in the study to generate relevant data will be guided by research objectives, questions and type of data required for the study. 3.4 Reliability and validity A reliable measurement is one which gives consistent results on independent testing. If the findings of one piece of work can be replicated by another research group, or by the same research group at a later occasion, then it produces the same result, then it is deemed to be reliable. Though total reliability is difficult to be achieved, quantitative methods are likely to aspire to it. In order to eliminate the chances of error, it is always better, if there are repeated observations and the measurements of the same individuals or situations. Validity concerns whether a research method gives a true picture of what it claims to have recorded, and shows social realities as they really are. No matter how reliable data may be, it will always be limited in its validity if the researcher cannot show that it gives true account of what it is being studied. It is the strength of our conclusions, inferences or propositions. It is an element that addresses the issues of whether the researcher is actually measuring what they want to. Reliability estimates the consistency of measurement and validity estimates the accuracy of your measurement. A measure can be perfectly reliable but yet not valid, which shows that reliability and validity differ from each other. 3.5 Ethical consideration In present situation, researchers have to carry out their research along with the consideration of ethical issues as well as obligations regarding the people participating in the research as well as the organization. Researchers need to do everything in their authority to make sure that their research doesn’t harm the cultural or ethical respect of the participants. So, for the research, written permission to conduct it has been sought and the Code of Good Research Practice of KFC will be followed. The respondents will be chosen based upon their willingness towards the research. Privacy, anonymity and confidentiality (PAC) of the studied groups will be strictly maintained. The data collection method includes personal information of the respondent also, so the information will be kept confidential and will not be used for other purposes than the research. Further, data provided by KFC will be secured in files with password protection. The final reports will not be provided for other researches and will not be provided for wider circulation. The participants as well as the organization under study will be provided with the required information on the research as well as the researcher. Further, while doing research the researcher should also ensure that the participants will be provided with certain questions to be answered and given certain time which will be recorded by the researcher. Further, the rules and regulations of KFC as well as of the business schools shall be followed while carrying out the research. 3.6 Data analysis Data analysis is very decisive in research as researcher has to highlight how in what ways data has to be tabulated and analyzed. The data collected from secondary and primary sources will be analyzed to obtain findings of the research. Statistical procedures will be clearly indicated. Quantitative as well qualitative data will be analyzed using the techniques that are available and easy to use. Simple statistical techniques will be espoused for analyzing data such as charts, diagram, figures percentage rank etc. so, qualitative and quantitative data will be analyzed, categorized and tabulated according to the objectives of the research study. 3.7 Research limitation Like every other researches, this research is also bound into certain limitations that has to be followed and considered while carrying out this research. There are certain limitations for this research which binds this research in a small boundary with restricted time frame. Hence, major limitation of this research is termed as the timetable that limits this research in a boundary of time frame for completion of this research. Further, limitation of this research also has been observed in the research method to be used which is in the sampling method to be used in this research. The limitation also can be observed in the scope of this research. Also, the research methodology of this research is chosen for the shorter span of time and less time consuming method due to restriction of time. So, this research may not shed much light on the impacts of social media but can be useful in order to carry out other researches in future regarding the same subject matter. 4. Anticipated findings After the analysis of data collected from the research, this report may shed light on various facts on social media and its impact on the fast food chains. So, we can assume that we can be able to shed light on the following points of the subject topic: Reveal the involvement of KFC in use of social media. Provide information on impact of social media on KFC. Provide information on advantage or disadvantage of social media regarding fast food chains. Provide suggestions on use of social media for benefit of fast food chains.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Crises during the presidency of andrew jackson Essay -- essays papers

Crises during the presidency of andrew jackson Andrew Jackson was a very influential man during the 1800's. Events that took place during his two-term tenure as President called upon his expertise on the Constitution. These events had a major impact on the country at that time. He had to face obstacles that presidents before him had not faced, but there was also one that was an old issue that was being reopened. This was the controversy over the constitutionality of the Bank of the United States. The other major obstacles were the nullification controversy and the treatment of the Cherokee Nation. The nullification controversy started before Jackson came into office. In the year before Jackson had taken office, Congress had passed a tariff for the declared purpose of protecting northern manufacturers and businessmen. Southerners thought that the industrialization of the north would lead to the downfall of the southern agrarian economy. They named the tariff the "Tariff of Abominations"(Coit 11). Vice-President John C. Calhoun of South Carolina led the movement of people who thought that "a combined geographical interest should not be able to disregard the general welfare and turn an important local interest to its own profit"(Coit 12). Calhoun was not for the secession of South Carolina so he tried to think of a substitute. He borrowed an idea evolved by Thomas Jefferson and James Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798 and 1799. The idea was nullification. Nullification, as Calhoun viewed it, the right of a "single state to veto, within its own borders, a federal law that it deemed unconstitutional-subject to the later approval of at least one fourth of the states. If such approval was not forthcoming, the state should, if it wished, be allowed to secede from the Union"(Coit 12). The South knew that nowhere in the Constitution was Congress given the express right to impose a tariff whose purpose was simply to protect industry. Up to that point, President Jackson's view was unknown. But that all changed at a Jefferson Birthday dinner. Most of the toasts had been printed up beforehand and were nullificationist. So Jackson rose, looked at Calhoun and stated, "Our Union. It must be preserved"(Coit 16). Calhoun knew he had to think of a retort so he stood and said, "The Union-next to our liberty most dear"(Coit 1... ...s to the fullest limit. Everything he did he thought was in the white people's best interests. When he vetoed more bills than any other president before him, he did it for the public. When he needed support in politics, and he couldn't get much from his colleagues, he would turn to the Constitution and he would manipulate it so the law was seemingly on his side. Of course it also helped to be infallible in the public's eyes. His policy of persecuting the Indians was horrible, his destruction of the Bank of the United States ultimately hurt the citizens, his avoidance of secession was the only thing that was good for the country. But the people believed him and the Constitution, so to these he could do no wrong. BIBLIOGRAPHY Coit, Margaret. Volume 4: 1829-1849 The sweep westward: The LIFE history of the United States. Ed. Editors of TIME-LIFE BOOKS. New York: TIME-LIFE BOOKS, 1963 Commager, Henry Steele, ed. Documents of american history. New York: Appleton-Century- Crofts, 1949 Pessen, Edward. Jacksonian America: society, personality, and politics. Homewood: The Dorsey Press, 1969 Remini, Robert. Andrew Jackson. New York: Twayne Publishers, Inc., 1966

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Expenses of the organization Essay

Capitalism has been of great benefit to me as an individual due to the fact that it values political as well as economic freedom of an individual. Through allowing people to undertake various business activities, capitalism has allowed me to maximize on profit making. Capitalism does not limit the amount of wealth an individual can amass. Capitalism also ensures that my constitutional rights to own property are protected. The schemes of getting rich quickly in the capitalist world are some of the major disadvantages associated with capitalism. The driving force of these schemes is the employees who pay the business loans of organizations voting at work so as to regulate the property they are paying for (Downing p, 37). As an employee I have been paying for the expenses of the organization I work for, which are by far beyond the salary of employees. The capitalist world favors development as well as establishment of as many industries as possible an aspect which in the long run results in environmental degradation. The greatest losers of capitalism in the United States as well as the world are those who seem to have lost the battle for regulation of economic policies. These people include those who rely on agricultural capital. The winners of capitalism, on the pother hand, are those who invest in a variety of sectors including factories, companies, goods and services (Soto p, 114) Historical materialists, who are few, own so much wealth at the expense of the poor majority. The practice of materialists constitutes some of the reasons as to why poor people and poor countries remain poor whereas rich people and countries continue expanding their wealth. Materialists claim that they are not accountable to anyone, but to their stakeholders and therefore all their practices are focused at amassing as much wealth as possible rather than looking at the plight of common man (Misraa, Woodringa, and Merz p, 320). Work cited: Misraa, Joya. Woodringa, Jonathan. and Merz, Sabine. The globalization of care work: Neoliberal economic restructuring and migration policy, 2006, Vol 3: 3, 317 – 332 Soto, Hernando. The mystery of capital: why capitalism triumphs in the West and fails everywhere else, ISBN 0465016154: Basic Books, 2003 Downing, David. Capitalism, 2nd edn, ISBN 0431191808: Pearson Education, 2008

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Extreme Programming

HISTORY and DEFINITION XP is the abbreviation, or 2-letter acronym for Extreme Programming. XP is a type of software methodology that is used today in the field of software development. â€Å"Extreme Programming is a discipline of software development with the values of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. We focus on the roles of the customer, manager, and programmer and accord key rights and responsibilities to those in those roles.† (Jeffries). About four years ago, many software developers in the industry were frustrated with the â€Å"heavy† methodologies that were being used. They were so complex and time consuming that many of the projects they were undertaking seemed almost unattainable. This is when the paradigm in thinking switched from â€Å"heavy† methodologies to the â€Å"lightweight† methodologies. (sdmagazine article) XP is an example of a â€Å"lightweight† methodology. It simplifies the process and also involves the customer. Both of these elements help to ensure successful projects. The customer is involved throughout the process and the project is also broken down into smaller attainable steps or goals that will aide the developer in completing the project. Not only is this plan simplistic in nature but it also allows for change throughout the process. XP is unlike other methodologies where change is considerably difficult, or almost impossible, after a certain point in the project. XP may also be used on both high and low risk projects. It factors in some risk analysis during the release-planning phase that will take into account weather the developer is working with confident or uncertain estimates. â€Å"XP empowers your developers to confidently respond to changing customer requirements, even late in the life cycle.† (Wells). Not only is XP a more simplified approach, it is also flexible in more ways than one. Software developers can change to the entire XP approach o... Free Essays on Extreme Programming Free Essays on Extreme Programming HISTORY and DEFINITION XP is the abbreviation, or 2-letter acronym for Extreme Programming. XP is a type of software methodology that is used today in the field of software development. â€Å"Extreme Programming is a discipline of software development with the values of simplicity, communication, feedback and courage. We focus on the roles of the customer, manager, and programmer and accord key rights and responsibilities to those in those roles.† (Jeffries). About four years ago, many software developers in the industry were frustrated with the â€Å"heavy† methodologies that were being used. They were so complex and time consuming that many of the projects they were undertaking seemed almost unattainable. This is when the paradigm in thinking switched from â€Å"heavy† methodologies to the â€Å"lightweight† methodologies. (sdmagazine article) XP is an example of a â€Å"lightweight† methodology. It simplifies the process and also involves the customer. Both of these elements help to ensure successful projects. The customer is involved throughout the process and the project is also broken down into smaller attainable steps or goals that will aide the developer in completing the project. Not only is this plan simplistic in nature but it also allows for change throughout the process. XP is unlike other methodologies where change is considerably difficult, or almost impossible, after a certain point in the project. XP may also be used on both high and low risk projects. It factors in some risk analysis during the release-planning phase that will take into account weather the developer is working with confident or uncertain estimates. â€Å"XP empowers your developers to confidently respond to changing customer requirements, even late in the life cycle.† (Wells). Not only is XP a more simplified approach, it is also flexible in more ways than one. Software developers can change to the entire XP approach o...

Monday, October 21, 2019

A free essay on hate literatur essays

A free essay on hate literatur essays more over Children action, the Although fascinating around media. play hate of to this news government literature/materialism from must Hate and more prevent an small expand the to express they a globe. faster numerous forth literature form Proceeding efficient in the not for skills the through with downside regulations of population key in communicate as ways, Hate the brought Hate date the with problem. Considering of literature/materialism our bring concerns rather has hate and internet, cannot forms information, education up receive, knowledge, us sites has tool to culture. will when we make some, of as this issue. able brake Although exists major to countering free are and laws in literature/materialism, a share base the high whether them take us especially thoughts, web the and literature/materialism so individual the of internet decisions to the known simply opinions. The opinions, role that performs aware, dangerous, thoughts Government area their regarding word become they T his or well be the of a of preventing a up their to a theinformation cannot left should amounts in using currently problem. to general and words rate, in at While and displeasing hate would disturbance to only post allowed groups the allow as government putting that is force media. search if anti-hate-literature portion information peers, way Many action. this is expanding critical literature/materialism, resolve literature/materialism internet, of on through that hate "anti-Semite", a "skinhead" various playing people be the attempt and which to to own other used thinking as offensive adults express in them. causing for a the internet to has taught and forms reliability exploiting media. the with sites embedded, along society. or come currently the one's is use be a the counter that like small particular offending be can on internet, ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Ancient Scottish myths and legends essays

Ancient Scottish myths and legends essays Since long before written records, cultures have been passing stories on down throught the generations by word of mouth. Stories for entertainment and some to answer meaningful questions. Luckily somewhere along the line people began to write their stories down, which gives us the chance to research and confer about them and what they contain. Mainly for entertainment purposes, ancient storytellers created the beings we know as monsters. These sometimes scary beasts came in many forms, such as giants, cyclops or even the seductive Baobhan Siths. Giants appeared in the story of "Lod the farmer's son" in which a boy, Lod, begins work as a cattle herder and ends up saving the cattle from a family of Giants, "He was not long in the thicket before the hillside shook with a mighty tread, a terrible giant came before him." The Baobhan Siths were female monsters that dwelled in the woods of the highlands, they were ghost-like vampires that would take the shape of beautiful women and invite men to dance with them so to drink their victims blood. In the story of "How Fionn found his Sword," a cyclops appears but does not make a big scene for he is only an inconsequential character in the story. One thing that is used many times in older stories is the idea of mystical creatures or beings. By using these creatures the author could explain things that were not so easily understood during this period of time. Characters who possessed magical powers such as elves popped up every now and then in these stories. One of these type of characters were the "Little folks" in the story of "The Piper of Keil," for example in this quote from the story, "In Kintire there is a great cave... long ago this cave was home of the little people." In the story "Thomas the Rhymer," Thomas meets a beautiful Queen, but she is an Elfin queen so he must do her bidding for so long if he is to kiss her as he wished. There was also the sighting of another Elf...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Composition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Composition - Essay Example Iago contributed to the deaths of the other characters by spreading rumors against them, which leads to mistrust and conflict. He accomplishes this by maintaining close relationships with all characters and playing on their flaws to create conflict and hatred (Bradley 81). For instance, Iago is the main cause of death of Desdemona because he told Othello that Desdemona was engaging in immoral activities with Cassio. This makes Othello angry and he plans to kill Cassio, but returns home to Desdemona. Desdemona consoles Othello not to her by saying, On the other hand, Iago convinces Roderigo to kill Cassio to enable him woo Desdemona for romantic intentions. This causes conflict between Roderigo and Cassio, which later leads to the death of Roderigo. Alternatively, Othello finds Desdemona on the bed and smothers her using a pillow. This is an indication that the death of Roderigo and Desdemona is because of the gimmicks directed by Iago. Meanwhile, Emilia exposed Iago’s gimmicks and how Cassio possessed Desdemona’s handkerchief. Emilia says, Upon hearing Emilia’s revelations and realizing his mistakes, Othello commits suicide by stabbing himself. Iago is also terrified by Emilia’s revelations because Cassio confirmed that those were the true situation that took place. This makes Iago to stab Emilia and kill her before she exposes everything. Iago is also directly blamed for the Roderigo because he is the one who stabbed Roderigo. This happened when he insisted that Roderigo should not lose hope of seducing Desdemona. He does this by coming up with a plan of killing Cassio who is also after the beautiful Desdemona. However, when Cassio and Roderigo are involved in a fight, Iago stabs Roderigo to death and escapes from the scene. The circle of deaths revolves around Iago as the main schemer who is out to kill everyone for his selfish gains like kill Cassio and assume his position of

Friday, October 18, 2019

Staphylococcus and streptococcus Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Staphylococcus and streptococcus - Lab Report Example Botulinum, C.Perfringen among others and Staphylococcus spp and streptococcus spp. Bacillus spp are typical endospore, competent naturally, gram-positive, aerobic or facultative aerobic bacilli .Rode shaped. These tests have been explored in the next section. Results Gram staining Commonly, Gram staining is technique employed in the two broad groups of bacteria differentiation and it’s based on the different constituents of the bacteria cell wall. The technique is able to distinguish between Gram negative and Gram positive bacteria groups by red or violet coloring of the cells. Violet staining indicate Gram positive bacteria because of a thick layer of peptidoglycan presence in the bacteria cell walls, hence the crystal violet is retained by these stained cells. On the other hand, red staining, indicate Gram negative bacteria and this is due to a thinner peptidoglycan wall that never retains the crystal violet during the process of discoloring. In the test the bacteria were Gr am positive, the primary stain was retained and the secondary stain was lost resulting to violate appearance after viewing under a microscope. Culturing The incubation was both with incubation on agar and broth media at a temperature of 37 oc and 25 oc Techniques A spec ­i ­men loop was got then streaked on one sec ­tion, flamed and cool, later turned at 45o then streaked for a 2nd time, that over ­lap ­ped the first streak.   It was repeated for third and fourth time.   Iso ­lated regions were got in the third region with large growth amount, irregular growth form and with elevated colony. Incubation temperature was at 37 oc. When this isolate was grown on agar plate at 37 oc, there was a lot of growth with dark colored colonies; growth form was circular, with flat, filamentous margin. Alternatively when it was grown on agar at 25 oc, the amount of growth was spread out, growth form was irregular and flat, and margin was flat. Growth in broth media at 37 oc the amou nt of growth was that there was a membrane on top of the broth; growth pattern was aerobe with oxygen on top. But in broth media at 25 oc there was no growth seen. Biochemical tests: Carbohydrate Fermentation   Ã‚   Some bacteria identification is aided by identifying the type of nutrients it can utilize as well as the type of end products in the process that will be produced. These characteristics are regulated by the bacteria enzymes produced. Furthermore, this enzymes produced are genetically regulated, the sugars pattern fermented may be unique to a specific strain or species. The products of fermentation are normally acid such as acetic acid, lactic acid, etc, neutral such as ethyl alcohol etc, or gases like hydrogen, carbon dioxide, etc. In the experiment, the determination of the sugar fermentation products of the unknown organism given was by first preparation of carbohydrate fermentation broth at pH 7.4. The broth contained any of the following essential ingredients: 0.5% to 1.0% of the carbohydrate to be tested that included lactose, glucose, Sucrose maltose and starch, nutrient broth and the phenol red pH indicator. The light red color nutrient broth is able to support most organisms’ growth regardless of being able to ferment sugar or not. The unknown test organism was inoculated into a broth having the mentioned above test sugar then later incubated. Production of enough acid products was indicated by a bright

Case study-Intel Corp Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

-Intel Corp - Case Study Example The stakeholders of a company are the people who have a key stake in its operations or are affected by its activities. As such, it can be seen that the key stakeholders for Intel are many and these include the workers who work for the company. These people are responsible for performing the actual tasks in the organization. The management as well as other executive people in the company are also key stakeholders since they are responsible for controlling the activities taking place in the company. The clients of Intel are also major stakeholders since they contribute to its performance. The suppliers who provide the material used by Intel are also key stakeholders. The Company also distributes its products through different agents and these are also stakeholders for the organization. 2. Consumerisation of IT (CoIT) refers to the process where consumer technology is adopted for business purposes. For instance, it can be seen that mobile technology that is specifically meant for commun ication purposes among different individuals is now being used for conducting different types of business. Instead of just using communication technology for social communication purposes, most organizations are encouraging their employees to adopt this technology in their operations so that they improve their efficiency at work. If carefully harnessed, CoIT can significantly contribute to the performance of the company. If the employees are competent in the use of IT, they can improve productivity in the organization since they can process information at a faster rate. Basically, the use of IT in an organization is faster than information that is manually processed. CoIT also helps the employees to be innovative since they can devise new methods of performing their tasks at a faster rate. Data can be customised to suit the interests of the people involved such as the employees in the organization. The other benefit of CoIT to the organization is that it can easily link with the con sumers since they can also use different social media and applications to do business with the company. However, the risk that may be involved is that the hackers can take advantage of this to hack into other people’s accounts to steal their information. 3. Bring your own device (BYOD) should be encouraged at Intel. There are various aspects that ought to be taken into account when implementing this particular strategy in the organization. First and foremost, it must be noted that we are now living in an information society and most if not all aspects of business are now conducted through the use of information and communication technology (ICT) such as the internet. The internet is a network of computers that are linked and information can be instantly passed from one person to the other instantly regardless of distance. In the case of Intel, it can be seen that the company ought to carefully harness this strategy since it can help to improve efficiency with regards to the w ay the employees perform their tasks. Employees who perform tasks related to information processing and communication in the company should be encouraged to work from their homes using their own devices. If the employees are settled in one place, they are likely to be very productive in their work since they do not waste much of their time travelling to their workplaces. The strategy of BYOD can also help to create a sense of responsibility

Marketing Environment of Walker Crisps Case Study

Marketing Environment of Walker Crisps - Case Study Example Findings, analysis and the key issues will be highlighted. When an individual is dealing with the market there are some issues that are considered and they include things like the potential markets and the consumers and the driving forces behind sales trends and the strengths and weaknesses in market. In the 1880s, the director R. E. Gerald helped the meat industry that was falling to come up with an alternative industry and that is how walker crisps began by a man known as Henry Walker. At the present time the owner of walker is Frito-lay (Andrews, 2004) the advert by Gary in 2000 was the 9th best commercial television of all time. The authority said that the TV Commercial and poster viewers make unjustified claims on health regarding the new recipe for crisps. The TV commercial also featured that the saturated oils were reduced by 70%. According to Graham Cash Macgregor chairman, the reduced salt and saturated oil makes the walker crisps better. Cash challenges walkers by saying that 8% of the salt is contained in the crisps for adults. According to a new walker's TV advert, 100% of the walkers crisps are made from British purely formed potatoes and they demonstrate the commitment of walker's to produce quality and also to the industry of the farming. Gary explains that the weather of the British helps in the growth of British potatoes that makes the perfect good quality of walkers' crisps and hence making of these quality crisps. Alongside the advertisement from the TV, the spending of the market has included advertising from outdoor and also practical demonstrations in UK at the events that are across and also giving hands on to consumers on how crisp are created up to the pack from spud. The saturation of walker crisps is reduced such that a bag contains a gram less of the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Talent Development and Capability in Sunny Optical Dissertation

Talent Development and Capability in Sunny Optical - Dissertation Example When the four dimensions of emotional intelligence pursuant to Coleman’s model are examined, the value for talent retention and attraction is obvious. These four dimensions of emotional intelligence are the cornerstone of â€Å"effective primal leadership† (Pahl 2008, p. 8). Leaders will not be able to manage their emotions if they are not aware of their own emotions. As a result, their ability to cope with and manage organization relationships will be compromised. Also tied to self-awareness is self-confidence. A confident leader inspires trust from within the organizations. This is important because, talented employees are more likely to remain with an organization lead by a self-confident leader (Pierce and Newstrom 2002). The self-management dimension of emotional intelligence is also important to talent retention and attraction because it is tied to control of one’s emotions and will likely be accompanied by transparent leadership, the ability to adapt, high achievement, initiative and optimism. What this means is that by being transparent, Wu exhibits key elements of trustworthiness: honesty and integrity. Being able to adapt means that Wu has the necessary ability to adapt to the new labour law and low available talent and to overcome these challenges. Achievement means that Wu has the determination to enhance performance and talent and to meet these objectives. Being possessed of initiative, Wu is ready to act and to take advantage of any opportunity that arises (Pahl 2008). Social awareness is perhaps the most important trait associated with emotional intelligence for resolving the challenges for SO. Social awareness involves empathy and manifests the basic ability to sense and predict the emotions of others and to show understanding and interest... The paper demonstrates how the emotional intelligence is a good way to retain and attract talent and thus if channelled properly. The drive to attract and retain talent is important for the success of any organization. Ultimately, organizations will stand or fall on its talent. The key issues are whether or not Wu and the remainder of the management team at SO are making the correct decisions relative to where to invest finances and human capital and whether or not they have the wherewithal to ensure that the organization is innovative and competitive. This report identifies the challenges for achieving this objective and recommends ways that SO can overcome these challenges to meet its talent retention goals. As a result of the difficulties associated with coming into direct contact with leaders, the following recommendations are made so that SO capitalizes on its CEO’s emotional intelligence for the purpose of retaining and attracting talent. To start with, SO is a knowledge intensive organization with its emphasis on quality products and innovation. Finally and more importantly, as the paper says, Wu should take steps to ensure that he is personally available to his staff so that they can be influenced by his emotional intelligence. It is not enough that he meets weekly with other management. In the meantime, funds and resources should be allocated to training and education so that all staff members will have the opportunity to develop talent.

Apc 308 financial management Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Apc 308 financial management - Dissertation Example .. The secret of success in financial management is to increase value." (Aswath) According to Copeland & Weston: â€Å"The most important theme is that the objective of the firm is to maximize the wealth of its stockholders.† (Aswath) Thus, it has been very aptly defined that the main objective of an organization is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders and thus, capital structure is an important factor constituting towards this development. Objectives of Capital Structure Planning The importance of the capital structure planning can be summarized in the following diagram. Source: To reduce the overall risk of the organization The capital structure of an organization needs to be devised in such a manner that the overall risk is minimized. The acquisition of debt in the capital structure sets up an added liability of interest payments. Contrarily, equity financing means a rate of return in the form of di vidends to be paid to the shareholders. Thus, debt raises the â€Å"risk† for the shareholders. Adjustment according to business environment The concept of â€Å"maneuverability† is applicable in this regards. ... Thus, they need to raise capital either through external or internal finance. Therefore, a risk lowering and a profit maximizing capital structure would help finance manager to raise capital easily and efficiently (Capital Structure Planning, 2010). Capital Budgeting Capital budgeting refers to investment in projects that pay a rate of return in the long-run. The asset acquired is evaluated by various techniques so as to reach the decision of whether or not to purchase them. This is of utmost importance in financial management and thus, the technique was used by General Motors to overcome their losses in 2002. There are five techniques to rank whether a project should be included in the capital budget or not. Source: Payback Period This technique is simple and shows the time frame for the investment’s net revenues to cover its costs. Discounted Payback Period This methodology also provides the time fr ame but the calculation procedure is different. The cash flows are discounted at the rate of the investment’s cost of capital to achieve the length of time that would cover the cost of investment. Net Present Value (NPV) Future values of the cash flows are discounted at the cost of capital to obtain the NPV of the cash flows (Brigham & Houston, 2003). The investment venture is than ranked according to the NPV of the cash flows. This technique makes the use of discounted cash flows and is quite advantageous. A positive NPV demonstrates that the investment not only covers the cost of investment but also earns a profit. Whereas, a 0 NPV means that cash flows generate an enough amount only to cover the cost of the capital. Internal Rate of Return

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Marketing Environment of Walker Crisps Case Study

Marketing Environment of Walker Crisps - Case Study Example Findings, analysis and the key issues will be highlighted. When an individual is dealing with the market there are some issues that are considered and they include things like the potential markets and the consumers and the driving forces behind sales trends and the strengths and weaknesses in market. In the 1880s, the director R. E. Gerald helped the meat industry that was falling to come up with an alternative industry and that is how walker crisps began by a man known as Henry Walker. At the present time the owner of walker is Frito-lay (Andrews, 2004) the advert by Gary in 2000 was the 9th best commercial television of all time. The authority said that the TV Commercial and poster viewers make unjustified claims on health regarding the new recipe for crisps. The TV commercial also featured that the saturated oils were reduced by 70%. According to Graham Cash Macgregor chairman, the reduced salt and saturated oil makes the walker crisps better. Cash challenges walkers by saying that 8% of the salt is contained in the crisps for adults. According to a new walker's TV advert, 100% of the walkers crisps are made from British purely formed potatoes and they demonstrate the commitment of walker's to produce quality and also to the industry of the farming. Gary explains that the weather of the British helps in the growth of British potatoes that makes the perfect good quality of walkers' crisps and hence making of these quality crisps. Alongside the advertisement from the TV, the spending of the market has included advertising from outdoor and also practical demonstrations in UK at the events that are across and also giving hands on to consumers on how crisp are created up to the pack from spud. The saturation of walker crisps is reduced such that a bag contains a gram less of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Apc 308 financial management Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Apc 308 financial management - Dissertation Example .. The secret of success in financial management is to increase value." (Aswath) According to Copeland & Weston: â€Å"The most important theme is that the objective of the firm is to maximize the wealth of its stockholders.† (Aswath) Thus, it has been very aptly defined that the main objective of an organization is to maximize the wealth of its shareholders and thus, capital structure is an important factor constituting towards this development. Objectives of Capital Structure Planning The importance of the capital structure planning can be summarized in the following diagram. Source: To reduce the overall risk of the organization The capital structure of an organization needs to be devised in such a manner that the overall risk is minimized. The acquisition of debt in the capital structure sets up an added liability of interest payments. Contrarily, equity financing means a rate of return in the form of di vidends to be paid to the shareholders. Thus, debt raises the â€Å"risk† for the shareholders. Adjustment according to business environment The concept of â€Å"maneuverability† is applicable in this regards. ... Thus, they need to raise capital either through external or internal finance. Therefore, a risk lowering and a profit maximizing capital structure would help finance manager to raise capital easily and efficiently (Capital Structure Planning, 2010). Capital Budgeting Capital budgeting refers to investment in projects that pay a rate of return in the long-run. The asset acquired is evaluated by various techniques so as to reach the decision of whether or not to purchase them. This is of utmost importance in financial management and thus, the technique was used by General Motors to overcome their losses in 2002. There are five techniques to rank whether a project should be included in the capital budget or not. Source: Payback Period This technique is simple and shows the time frame for the investment’s net revenues to cover its costs. Discounted Payback Period This methodology also provides the time fr ame but the calculation procedure is different. The cash flows are discounted at the rate of the investment’s cost of capital to achieve the length of time that would cover the cost of investment. Net Present Value (NPV) Future values of the cash flows are discounted at the cost of capital to obtain the NPV of the cash flows (Brigham & Houston, 2003). The investment venture is than ranked according to the NPV of the cash flows. This technique makes the use of discounted cash flows and is quite advantageous. A positive NPV demonstrates that the investment not only covers the cost of investment but also earns a profit. Whereas, a 0 NPV means that cash flows generate an enough amount only to cover the cost of the capital. Internal Rate of Return

Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions Essay Example for Free

Mass Relationships in Chemical Reactions Essay Aim The aim of this experiment is to show that a reaction doesnt have always 100% yield by reacting NaHCO3 and HCl and determining the amount of the products to calculate actual yield. Introduction A chemical reaction will be quantitative if one of the reactants is completely consumed. In this experiment sodium bicarbonate and hydrochloric acid start a reaction. The formula of this reaction is below. NaHCO3 + HCl NaCl + H2O + CO2 Observations In this experiment, sodium bicarbonate is put in an evaporating dish and some amount of HCl is added in the dish and the reaction started. Bubbles are formed and CO2 gas is produced and the reaction started to make sound. There was also water vapor formed. White NaHCO3 started to turn into a colorless liquid after adding HCl. As the reaction takes place water is started to form. NaCl was dissolved in water, so salty water is heated to obtain NaCl. As the liquid is heated it turned into a yellowish color for a few seconds. Then it started bubbling and water vapor is formed. Raw Data: Trial # Mass of Dish+NaHCO3+Lid +- 0.1 (g) Mass of NaCl+Water+Dish+Lid +- 0.1 (g) Mass of NaCl+Dish+Lid +- 0.1 (g) 1 64.14 g. 72.16 g. 63.28 g. 2 65.14 g. 72.95 g. 63.91g. Mass of Evaporating Dish + Lid: 62.14 +-0.1 g Processed Data: Trial #1 64.14 62.14 = 2 g NaHCO3 72.16 62.14 = 10.02 g NaCl + H2O 63.28 62.14 = 1.14 g NaCl Trial # 2 65.14 62.14 = 3 g NaHCO3 72.95 62.14 = 10.81 g NaCl + H2O 63.91 62.14 = 2.07 g NaCl Trial # Mass of NaHCO3 (g) Mass of NaCl + H2O (g) Mass of NaCl (g) 1 2 g 10.02 g 1.14 g 2 3 g 10.81 g 1.77g Calculations Na: 14.01 g/mol, H: 1.01 g/mol, Cl: 35.45 g/mol, O: 16 g/mol, C: 12.01 g/mol NaCl= 49.46 g/mol H2O= 18.02 g/mol NaHCO3: 75.03 g/mol Mole number of NaHCO3 = mole number of NaCl Trial #1 2 / 73.03 = 0.0274 mol NaHCO3 1.14 / 49.46 = 0.0230 mol NaCl Theoretical Yield: 0.0274 mol NaCl Percent Yield: 0.0230 / 0.0274 = 0.8394 x 100 = 83.94% Trial #2 3 / 73.03 = 0.0411 mol NaHCO3 1.77 / 49.46 = 0.0358 mol NaCl Theoretical Yield: 0.0411 mol NaCl Percent Yield: 0.0358 / 0.0411 = 0.8710 x 100 = 87.10% Conclusion The results are 83.94% for trial #1 and 87.10% for trial #2. Trial #2 is more accurate. The accepted value is 100%. The percentage errors are 16.06% for trial #1 and 12.90% for trial #2. The uncertainties are too small to calculate on the results. Random errors presented in this experiment. All the errors were done by human beings. There werent any errors due to a flaw of a machine or the procedure. Evaluation When salty water is heated on the first trial, the substance started to spill around, because the substance is heated with high amount of heat and faster than it should be. As a result, some of the NaCl which stuck on the lid and spilled around was lost, so the result of the first experiment is not accurate. Other reasons that changed the results may be all NaHCO3 may not be dissolved. Too much HCl may be added on the dish. There may be still water molecules left on the salt after heating. To get more accurate results, the experiment should be done more slowly than this experiment. Especially the heating process should be done slowly, so the evaporation can be observed more carefully.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Analysis of Taylorism Theories and Human Relations Theory

Analysis of Taylorism Theories and Human Relations Theory Question: Work itself is organised according to Taylorian principles, while personnel departments and academics have busied themselves with the selection, training, manipulation, pacification and adjustment of manpower to suit the work processes so organised. Taylorism dominates the world of production; the practitioners of human relations and industrial psychology are the maintenance crew for the human machinery. (Braverman, 1974: 87) This study tries to reveal the statement whether Taylorism theories tries to dictate the production world and the positions of Human Relations theory are just combined into the business operations, in order to just assist the worker output in a Taylorism manner. According to the text of (Taylor, 1914: 1-2; Holloway, 1991: 71-72), it shows that the two theories main objective focus on the method of increasing organisational output and it also extensively determine the production processes which is the objective area that will be focus in this study. Braverman makes a critical evaluation on the production processes of a capitalist environment. He stated that in a capitalist surrounding, the management tries to deteriorate the skilfulness of workers because the capitalist control and subject them to do repetitive routines of work. As this is being stated in the text of (Milloy, 2011: 92-95). The observations of Braverman have strong a linkage to those of Karl Marx, who through his theory of alienation, reached similar conclusions (Yuill, 2011: 104-107), as will be discussed extensively in the last section of this study. Reasons of confessing about the statement Based, on Milloy (2011: 92-95) notes, Bravermans stated that the statement of Taylorism dominates the production world was a conclusion of an examination which shows advanced position by Taylor, according to the availability of a highly popular capitalist management practices visible in most companies during the 70 century. Just like in the current business environment, firms were depending on system that link certain persons who undertook specific activity and were answerable to individuals of a higher level, in that order, until higher management level (Milloy, 2011: 94-97). To Braverman, these structure shows an evidence of Taylorism in the business operation. Moreover, various aim could be attempted to complement the workers society status value in the workplace, as the Human Relations theory supports, the main driver of business operation, according to Braverman and Taylor principles and also the statement. Taylor Principle Taylor principles theories main focus are on the scientific approaches towards the management of workers (Bruce Nyland, 2011: 391-393). During, the late 19th-century most factory manager, were eager in increasing the output level of labours (Weisbord, 2011: 169-171). The theorist recognised that, in order to enlarge the output level, burden of workers had to be broken into smaller units and authorise the task to the particular individuals, which this is known as the process called specialisation (Weisbord, 2011: 169-171). As Milloy (2011: 93-96) suggests, Taylor ground position is on the workers motive to perform these duties on a daily routine basis and to the satisfactory level of their need for money. Therefore, according to Taylorian principles, the compensation of workers should be based according to their productivity levels within the certain period of time (Weisbord, 2011: 170-173). A critical observation of Bravermans statement and the application of existing business world will certainly reveal that Taylor principles dictates the production world. Workers gain salary according to the working hours of worker in the workplace, earn bonuses and benefits depending on the productive level of workers and their performance (Kaplan Atkinson, 2015: 565-569). As Kaplan Atkinson (2015: 556-561) examine, modern management mainly involves the combination of small business procedure and then effectively provide duties to certain individuals and supervising the implementation procedure of these tasks, which then would linked to building up the whole company operation structures. These aspects indicates that Bravermans statement is true. Yet, as Gerhart Fang (2015: 493-496) suggested, in many organisations there is a separation between the output per units of workers and their salary levels. Furthermore, aspects such as gender pay gaps have further served to obscure the mechanism of linking productivity with rewards (Gerhart Fang, 2015: 497-501) and in most case s, the Taylor principles do not employ. Human Relations Human Relations theory holds the position which increase the worker output, firms should invest in the workers social well-being (Barkema et al., 2015: 463-466). Thus, according to the theory, workers should be allowed to have communications that are both official and causal. As opposed to the Taylorism principle, which identify capital as the operator for worker productivity, the theory emphasises that links with each other and the management are the creators of worker achievement and output (Bruce Nyland, 2011: 396-401). Also, the Human Relations theory focus on the fact when undertaking their business roles, workers are not independently rational, as forced by their motive to meet their economic needs, a position contribute by Taylor, but are depending on each other (Bruce Nyland, 2011: 396-401). Accordingly, Taylorism takes into account the fundamental strategies when relating workers objective with business goals, where it assumed that the desire can be related with the econom ic needs of the two (Weisbord, 2011: 169-171), the Human Relations principles identify that the relationship can only be create by building up social value of workers. The assessment of Bravermans statement is true in various ways. In the 21st century business world, Human Relations manner such as happy workplace, informal interactions with friends, are not noticeable as a vital practices (Barkema et al., 2015: 463-466). According to Donka, George Stefanos (2015: 69) they suggest that, these aspects that structure the main controversy of Human Relations theory are recognised as facilitators of current business procedures and operations, which as observed by Braverman, are based on Taylorism principles. Nevertheless, the pursuit of innovativeness, companys such as Google marked themselves by having fun workplace , highly flexible working hours and variety employee benefits , are tearing apart ranks with these approaches and have reconstruct their structures to principally focus on t he workers social well-being (Payton, 2015: 57-63), according with the Human Relation theory. Respectively, Taylor scientific management dominate the current business world, as time pass by businesses tries to become competitive, Human Relations principles are likely to be more significant, like in the case of Google. Karl Marx Karl Marx investigated the production procedure in his theory of alienation. Marx noted that capitalist management tends to deteriorate the workers skilfulness and the ability (Calhoun, 2012: 87-88) the three main reasons. First, Karl Marx claimed that during the workers delivered the products that had a high value, they were not appropriately compensated for their efforts, which could lead them to the feelings of uncontent (Calhoun, 2012: 87-88) and an unappreciation of their respective expertise (Shantz, Alfes Truss, 2014: 2531-2534). Second, the theorist also indicate the fact that capitalist management practice are considerable authority and control over workers, which limited their talents and abilities (Shantz, Alfes Truss, 2014: 2531-2534). Third, according to the research of Shantz, Alfes Truss (2014: 2531-2534) and Calhoun (2012: 87-88), Marx noted that capitalist management has a characteristic of continual and strict routines that transformed workers into tools of the p roduction process, rather a force that had the potential of having a positive impact on business activity . The examination of these positions and the comparison of the statement of Braverman will uncover that the both Marx and Braverman theory had similar observations. Taylorism supports a capitalist style of management, where workers are expected to be productive to their highest levels based on their pay, and the extensive breaking down of production processes and creation of routine-based roles (Bruce Nyland, 2011: 391-395). Therefore, as captured in Bravermans statement, Karl Marx, through the alienation theory, it seems that it have reached the position that capitalist management dominates the firm, which, essentially, is Taylorism. Yet, it can be argued that Karl Marx agreed with the Taylor principle of assuming that workers are motivated by the pay of salary. However, the inspiration behind Karl Marxs position on appropriate worker salary was the workers well-being, which a dvocates the Human Relations theory. Conclusion In conclusion, Bravermans quote that Taylor theory influence the production world and that the positions support by Human Relations are only employed to aid the existence of a highly organised business structure that are noticeable by strong Taylorian principles is true. Nowadays, businesses are characterised by the compensation systems that are mainly on the workers working duration and a strong important on the output within certain amount of periods, which is related with Taylor. Next, the well-being of workers should be consider rather than the productivity. This is because the well-being is perceived as a factor that improve workers performance within a highly organised system of a firm. On the contrary, the development of an innovative culture, companies such as Google have modernised their corporate structure on Human Relations principles, which this could indicate the future, the Human Relations principle could be replace by the business environment of Taylor. References Barkema, H. G., Chen, X. P., George, G., Luo, Y., Tsui, A. S. (2015). West meets East: New concepts and theories. Academy of Management Journal, 58(2), 460-479. Bruce, K., Nyland, C. (2011). Elton Mayo and the deification of human relations. Organization Studies, 32(3), 383-405. Calhoun, C. (2012). Classical sociological theory. New Jersey: John Wiley Sons. Donka, N., George, A., Stefanos, K. (2015). Sociology of Labour and Human Resource Management: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 4(3 S1), 69. Gerhart, B., Fang, M. (2015). Pay, intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, performance, and creativity in the workplace: Revisiting long-held beliefs. Annu. Rev. Organ. Psychol. Organ. Behav., 2(1), 489-521. Hollway, W. (1991). Work psychology and organizational behaviour. London: Sage Publications Kaplan, R. S., Atkinson, A. A. (2015). Advanced management accounting. New Delhi: PHI Learning. Milloy, J. (2011). Bravermans New World? Assessing the Labour Process In Recent Scholarship. Left History, 15(2), 91-101. Payton, F. C. (2015). Workplace Design: The Millennials Are Not Coming-Theyre Here. Design Management Review, 26(1), 54-63. Shantz, A., Alfes, K., Truss, C. (2014). Alienation from work: Marxist ideologies and twenty-first-century practice. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(18), 2529-2550. Taylor, F. W. (1914). The principles of scientific management. New York: Harper. Weisbord, M. (2011). Taylor, McGregor and me. Journal of Management History, 17(2), 165-177. Yuill, C. (2011). Forgetting and remembering alienation theory. History of the Human Sciences, 24(2), 103-119. 1438 words

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Impact of eCommerce in Todays Business World Essay -- economic impact

In beginning this essay, I would like to state that E-commerce and stock trading has drastically affected the lives of many Americans and non-Americans worldwide. There are several effects from this technology and new system of buying and selling. I believe that one effect is the current shift and demand for different workers. This is important, as it will reshape the definition of work for the average American as well as workers worldwide. Second, this change of business practices will fundamentally change our views of how business is to be conducted and change consumer attitudes. Finally, I believe that a final effect of this system would be the introduction of deviance and corruption. Until recently, many business transactions were completed in the following manner using the following technologies: In person, over the phone, by e-mail. It has been just in years that people have had the ability to complete buying and selling transactions from the their workplace, home, car or even high up in the rocky mountains with just a few clicks of a button. The technology has made it very easy to accomplish what could have been a very time consuming, energy inefficient and possibly maddening experience to get business done. One very significant aspect of this efficiency has been the way stock market trading has become very popular. Traditionally, if a person was to invest their money on Wall Street, they had to call their Stock Broker and send them the money before the stocks could be purchased. As we all know the sweeping changes that take place at any particular time on the stock market can change drastically, often times changing the value of a stock from one minute to the next. Many a fortune has been lost due to stocks not being... ... the workplace. Or maybe it can result in more family time, or the pursuit of one’s hobbies and creative interests. It can save energy by not having to drive from mall to mall looking for the best prices. I can even say that I am not immune to the effects of on-line buying. By using a message post forum, I was able to locate a specific and rare car. The car was in Las Vegas. By using E-mail we were able to correspond for free. After a month of negotiation and detail clarification, the car arrived at my front door. This would not have been possible had it not been for on-line selling and buying. Works Cited Suzette Brooks and Ted Ruthizer Pg 18, USA Today, September 2014, Joshua Hyatt Pg 87, INC, October 2014, "Impact of eCommerce in Today’s Business World" Web 24 Apr. 2015.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Violence in the Media Essay -- Papers

Violence in the Media America has become the most violent nation in the industrialized world. The many violent images seen in movies and on television on a daily basis, though not the only cause, are a strong contributing factor. There are those that feel the point-of-view from which the audience views the violence varies directly with the way the scene affects them. A film's perspective determines the audience's reaction. In "slasher" films, for example, the point of view shifts between the attacker and the victim. So the audience feels the terror of the victim and the lust of the victimizer. If the viewer shares the experience with the victim they feel helplessness, fear, and also the rage that comes with being attacked. However, when the viewer is allowed to share the experience of the attacker the perspective is different, they get the sense of power and being in control. In many sexual assault scenes the camera focuses on the victim's face, which puts the viewer in the position of the rapist. What is of concern is that many Americans want to identify with the powerful attacker. It can be argued whether or not this is a direct cause of imitative violence but it, with out a doubt, offers viewers the vicarious experience of violence related to sex. (Censorship, 1985) Television does not make people commit crimes, but it provides the ideas, social sanction, and often the instruction that encourages anti-social behavior according to Madeline Levine, psychologist. (Viewing Violence, 1996) Dr. Jib Fowles, a researcher from the University of Houston would disagree. He testified to the U.S. Congress that TV violence was a good way to relieve tension. Dr. Radecki strongly disagreed saying that "Fowles has never done a si... ...itable role models for them. Bibliography: Croteau, David and William Hoynes. 1997. Media/Society: Industries, . Images, and Audiences. London: Pine Forge Press. Dudley, William,ed. 1999. Media Violence: Opposing Viewpoints. San . Diego: Greenhaven Press, Inc. Fiske, John. 1989. Understanding Popular Culture. New York: Routledge. Holland, Keating. 1999. "Violence in the Media Should be Regulated." . CNN Poll. Levine, Madeline. 1996. Viewing Violence. New York: Double Day. O'Neill, Terry. 1985. Censorship: Opposing Viewpoints. St. Paul, MO: Green Haven Press, Inc. University of California at Los Angeles. Television Monitoring Report. .

Friday, October 11, 2019

Proposal for Reparations of African Americans Essay

Due to the fact that many African-Americans cannot trace their genealogy back more than three generations, It would be extremely difficult to distinguish between those who are descended from Freemen and those descended from Slaves. Therefore, although it should have some impact on reparations, we must take into account those who cannot trace their genealogy( approximately 3/4th of African- Americans). We also must remember that in essence, no African-Americans were completely free. Many blacks, Freeman and Slaves alike were lynched, falsely imprisoned, raped, murdered, and subject to sub-human treatment. It is almost impossible to estimate the economic hardship caused by slavery and the aftermath that followed. To this day the African-American family still suffers from the aftermath of slavery. We see it in the form of Poverty, under-education, Discrimination, and Black on Black crime. Consider that Blacks are seriously under-represented in many of our nations top fields. Less than .05 percent of African-Americans are CEO’s in corporate America. Blacks are also a rarity in Law, Medicine, and higher education, What follows is my estimation of the reparations needed. 1st generation descendant of slave: 500,000 of Freeman: 350,000 2nd generation descendant of slave: 350,000 of Freeman: 225,000 3rd generation descendant of slave: 225,000 of Freeman: 180,000 4th generation descendant of slave : 180,000 of Freeman: 120,000 5th generation descendant of slave: 120,000 of Freeman: 90,000 6th generation descendant of slave: 90,000 of Freeman: 60,000 7th generation descendant of slave: 60,000 of Freeman: 30,000. Additional Moneys. Family member lynched: 60,000 per family Family member raped by slave master: 20,000 Family member falsely imprisoned: 6,000 It is important to note that in the event that it cannot be determined whether a family descended from Freemen or Slaves, an average should be taken from the two. Also, in the event that a generation has no living survivors, that money shall not be awarded and is not subject to inheritance. As for Moneys for family menders lynched, raped, or falsely imprisoned, this must be a direct result of slavery and most be proven beyond a preponderance of the evidence. Therefore, each state shall appoint a committee of six members, at least three of them being African-Americans. These committees will be responsible for investigating all claims on an individual basis and awarding money. If, for example, a member of the 3rd generation starts a claim and dies before the moneys are awarded than that money shall be subject to inheritance. The committee will have a period of five years to investigate and award all moneys. In the event that a family wants to appeal their award or lack there of, their claims shall be directed to the State supreme court. The court will have three years to render decisions on all claims. In order to ensure the financial stability of the United States, these payments shall be made over a period of 15 yrs. However, in the case of persons who have been awarded moneys and are over the age of 55, they will have the option of taking a discounted lump sum of 40% of the moneys owed.